Videos & Interviews

Seeing is Believing

Reaching beyond words; using video to re-story parent-child relationship.
Interview for Dulwich Centre for Narrative Thearapy


Screenings and Sausage Rolls

Interview with London Video Community Archive


Things that Mother Never Told Us




I have worked in community arts and video since 1968. Amongst my many initiatives, I developed the use of video for community participation. In 1977 I created Sweet 16, reminiscences on video filmed by sixteen-year olds in living rooms and kitchens on a Milton Keynes housing estate.

Subsequently (1978-9), in collaboration with Channel 40, Milton Keynes, I initiated Things that Mother Never Told Us/ Women Talking, a series of television programmes made by women, which were broadcast over a twelve-month period.

In 2004, NSPCC, Sheffield, I worked with teenagers to create a mixed media CD, Imagine Belonging, reflecting on their experiences of adoption.

Recently, within the NHS, I innovated Seeing is Believing - an intervention where, magic moments between parents and their babies/ young children are captured on video.


Carry Gorney
Publications, paintings, prints, collages and videos